0-2歲寶寶 6大創意小吃

車輪茄 12粒
酥皮 2包
青瓜 12片
鹽 少許
鵪鶉蛋 12隻
即食火腿 15克
鮮忌廉 ½湯匙
胡椒粉 少許
雞蛋 2½隻
芫荽 ½湯匙
牛油 20克
海藻 少許
1. 酥皮用麵糰棍展開至約2厘米厚,然後用大菊花模或圓形模切出36片酥皮來,把其中12片放在塗了油的焗盤上。再用細菊花模把其餘的酥皮切去中心,成一個寬邊圓環。在底層沿邊塗少許蛋汁,再貼上一個圓環,如此類推疊成一個盒子模樣。放入雪櫃冷藏 1 小時。
2. 放入預熱200度焗爐,焗至酥皮金黃色,焗後將酥皮待至涼透。
3. 將2隻半雞蛋攪勻,加少許鹽及胡椒粉調味。把蛋煮至滑蛋般,離火,加上火腿粒、芫荽粒及鮮忌廉。
4. 把煮好的滑蛋放在酥皮盒內。最後將青瓜、車輪茄、已弄熟的鵪鶉蛋切成細件,作為裝飾。
車輪茄 12粒
酥皮 2包
青瓜 12片
鹽 少許
鵪鶉蛋 12隻
即食火腿 15克
鮮忌廉 ½湯匙
胡椒粉 少許
雞蛋 2½隻
芫荽 ½湯匙
牛油 20克
海藻 少許
1. 酥皮用麵糰棍展開至約2厘米厚,然後用大菊花模或圓形模切出36片酥皮來,把其中12片放在塗了油的焗盤上。再用細菊花模把其餘的酥皮切去中心,成一個寬邊圓環。在底層沿邊塗少許蛋汁,再貼上一個圓環,如此類推疊成一個盒子模樣。放入雪櫃冷藏 1 小時。
2. 放入預熱200度焗爐,焗至酥皮金黃色,焗後將酥皮待至涼透。
3. 將2隻半雞蛋攪勻,加少許鹽及胡椒粉調味。把蛋煮至滑蛋般,離火,加上火腿粒、芫荽粒及鮮忌廉。
4. 把煮好的滑蛋放在酥皮盒內。最後將青瓜、車輪茄、已弄熟的鵪鶉蛋切成細件,作為裝飾。
Creamy scrambled eggs in flaky pastry cases
Stuffs :
Cherry tomatos halved 12 pcs
Eggs 2½ pcs
Fresh parsley chopped 1/2 tbsp
Butter 20 g
Quail eggs cooked shells removed 12 pcs
Puff pastry 2 packets
Cucumbers sliced 12 pcs
Salt and pepper punch
Ham chopped 15 g
Fresh cream ½ tbsp
Toasted seaweed 1 pc
Method :
1. Roll pastry on lightly floured surface to 2-2.5cm thick. Cut pastry into 36x5.5cm rounds. Place 12 rounds onto lightly greased oven trays. Cut 3.5cm centres from remaining 24 rounds, forming 1cm frames. Brush edges of 5.5cm rounds with a little egg, press frames onto bases. Brush edges of frames with little egg, press another frames onto 1st frames, forming shallow pastry cases, refrigerate 1 hour.
2. Bake in 200°C oven, until pastry is golden brown. Remove cases from trays, cool.
3. Lightly beat eggs, salt and pepper in bowl until combined. Gently over heat until beginning to set; remove from heat. Stir in ham, parsley and cream.
4. Spoon mixture into cases. Decorate the cases with quail eggs for head, tomatoes and cucumbers for caps, seaweed for mouths and eyes.
Cases can be made 30 minutes ahead.
Cherry tomatos halved 12 pcs
Eggs 2½ pcs
Fresh parsley chopped 1/2 tbsp
Butter 20 g
Quail eggs cooked shells removed 12 pcs
Puff pastry 2 packets
Cucumbers sliced 12 pcs
Salt and pepper punch
Ham chopped 15 g
Fresh cream ½ tbsp
Toasted seaweed 1 pc
Method :
1. Roll pastry on lightly floured surface to 2-2.5cm thick. Cut pastry into 36x5.5cm rounds. Place 12 rounds onto lightly greased oven trays. Cut 3.5cm centres from remaining 24 rounds, forming 1cm frames. Brush edges of 5.5cm rounds with a little egg, press frames onto bases. Brush edges of frames with little egg, press another frames onto 1st frames, forming shallow pastry cases, refrigerate 1 hour.
2. Bake in 200°C oven, until pastry is golden brown. Remove cases from trays, cool.
3. Lightly beat eggs, salt and pepper in bowl until combined. Gently over heat until beginning to set; remove from heat. Stir in ham, parsley and cream.
4. Spoon mixture into cases. Decorate the cases with quail eggs for head, tomatoes and cucumbers for caps, seaweed for mouths and eyes.
Cases can be made 30 minutes ahead.
