
雞蛋 1隻(拌勻)
牛奶 500毫升
葱 200克
芝麻籽 2茶匙(烤)
中式烤鴨 1隻
青瓜 2條
海鮮醬 2湯匙
桃醬 2湯匙
麵粉 150克
鹽 1/2茶匙
1. 將麵粉、鹽倒入中碗中,慢慢拌入蛋液及牛奶,直至混合物成幼滑,然後把混合物倒入一大餅內。把青瓜切成多條4厘米長幼條。
2. 切出1/2杯葱碎,餘下的留用,把葱及芝麻籽拌勻成糊狀物,蓋好,冷藏1小時。撕出烤鴨的皮、肉及去骨,除去皮及肉上的脂肪,並把皮及肉撕成幼條。
3. 倒出1/2杯糊狀物於已加熱的20厘米直徑不黏鑊中,將烤餅煎至兩面金黃,如是者把餘下的糊狀物煎成11個烤餅。
4. 用8厘米直徑的圓模,於每片烤餅上切割出3個圓形。
5. 把剩下的葱放入沸水中,煮至軟身,瀝水。於每片小圓烤餅上先塗上汁液,再放上鴨肉及青瓜。把烤餅捲起,用葱段將它們逐一綁上。
雞蛋 1隻(拌勻)
牛奶 500毫升
葱 200克
芝麻籽 2茶匙(烤)
中式烤鴨 1隻
青瓜 2條
海鮮醬 2湯匙
桃醬 2湯匙
麵粉 150克
鹽 1/2茶匙
1. 將麵粉、鹽倒入中碗中,慢慢拌入蛋液及牛奶,直至混合物成幼滑,然後把混合物倒入一大餅內。把青瓜切成多條4厘米長幼條。
2. 切出1/2杯葱碎,餘下的留用,把葱及芝麻籽拌勻成糊狀物,蓋好,冷藏1小時。撕出烤鴨的皮、肉及去骨,除去皮及肉上的脂肪,並把皮及肉撕成幼條。
3. 倒出1/2杯糊狀物於已加熱的20厘米直徑不黏鑊中,將烤餅煎至兩面金黃,如是者把餘下的糊狀物煎成11個烤餅。
4. 用8厘米直徑的圓模,於每片烤餅上切割出3個圓形。
5. 把剩下的葱放入沸水中,煮至軟身,瀝水。於每片小圓烤餅上先塗上汁液,再放上鴨肉及青瓜。把烤餅捲起,用葱段將它們逐一綁上。
Duck Crepes
Stuffs :
egg(beaten lightly) 1pc
milk 500ml
green onion 200g
sesame seed(toasted) 2tsp
Chinese barbecued duck 1pc
cucumber 2pcs
hoisin sauce 2tbsp
plum sauce 2tbsp
plain flour 150g
salt 1/2tsp
Method :
1. Combine flour and salt, gradually whisk in combined egg and milk until mixture is smooth, mix well. Seed, slice thinly cucumbers into 4cm lenghts.
2. Finely chop 1/2 cup green onion, reserve remaining onion. Stir chopped onion and sesame seed into batter, cover, refrigerate 1 hour. Meanwhile, remove skin and meat from duck, discard bones. Remove and discard excess fat from meat and skin, then slice both thinly.
3. Pour 1/2 cup batter into heated oiled 20cm non-stick frying pan, cook crepe until browned lightly both sides. Repeat above step, make 11 crepes.
4. Using an 8cm cutter, cut three rounds from each crepe.
5. Cook reserved onion with boiling water, drain. Spread each crepe with sauces, top with duck and cucumber and wrap. Tie a onion around each crepe.
egg(beaten lightly) 1pc
milk 500ml
green onion 200g
sesame seed(toasted) 2tsp
Chinese barbecued duck 1pc
cucumber 2pcs
hoisin sauce 2tbsp
plum sauce 2tbsp
plain flour 150g
salt 1/2tsp
Method :
1. Combine flour and salt, gradually whisk in combined egg and milk until mixture is smooth, mix well. Seed, slice thinly cucumbers into 4cm lenghts.
2. Finely chop 1/2 cup green onion, reserve remaining onion. Stir chopped onion and sesame seed into batter, cover, refrigerate 1 hour. Meanwhile, remove skin and meat from duck, discard bones. Remove and discard excess fat from meat and skin, then slice both thinly.
3. Pour 1/2 cup batter into heated oiled 20cm non-stick frying pan, cook crepe until browned lightly both sides. Repeat above step, make 11 crepes.
4. Using an 8cm cutter, cut three rounds from each crepe.
5. Cook reserved onion with boiling water, drain. Spread each crepe with sauces, top with duck and cucumber and wrap. Tie a onion around each crepe.
